Status:  9.0/10.  A little tired, and my afternoon naps have become predictable.  I have to keep remembering that my body is trying to heal itself from being injured.  That was a lot easier to do when I was 20.

Comments:  We’ll leave early in the morning for the hour drive to Hopkins for my bone marrow and discussion with my lead oncologist about next steps.

Love to all,


7 Responses to “”

  1. Ashby Says:

    Good luck tomorrow, Bruce. If we could clean you up the way we can your car, you would see us ALL there in a flash. In the meantime, enjoy those afternoon siestas. Consider us Adventure Guides your personal posse.

  2. Hopie Says:

    Love, Luck, whatever it takes for a good tomorrow! Love you!

  3. wendy Says:

    visualization and meditation are good for healing too.. On that long ride in…take a couple of slow deep breaths and visual how you want that conversation to go- But first visualize yourself on a lovely beach vacation with a cool breeze and a gorgeous sunrise or sunset whichever relaxes you the most- thinking sunset would be your colors…with perhaps a gorgeous Rainbow in the background… liking that.

  4. Eileen Breslin Says:

    Remember you are not alone tomorrow. We are all here for the next steps…naps are indeed the best and much in order. love to you from Bill and Eileen

  5. Judie Davidson Says:

    Still thinking of you. Naps are a good thing. Judie

  6. joel steinberg Says:

    We hope the bone marrow results are good. Love, Joel and Margaret S

  7. mike magee Says:

    Good luck, Bruce!


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