11-12-10   Friday Day +16

  Status: 8.25/10. Improvement in mouth pain and swallowing.   Can physically swallow saliva, but not fluids.   It’s nice to feel it getting better.  My white cells are up to 230 and climbing.

 Events:   Still receiving antibiotics, anti-fungals, and anti-virals in amounts, and in kinds unheard of before.  Now checking me for graft vs. host disease daily.

 Comments:  Lisa was up here today, but the kids’ availability depends on our suspicions of their germ levels.  Love to hear their voices and how well they did this first quarter.  Enjoy the weekend.



11 Responses to “”

  1. joel steinberg Says:

    And it sounds as if you will have a better weekend than the last. Soon you will be swallowing real food. Margaret and I are keeping our fingers crossed. Joel

  2. Eileen Breslin Says:

    Music to our ears…Rest, and enjoy the family and know all us are cheering and praying as the WBC’s take hold. love Eileen and Billl

  3. Art Ulene Says:

    I’m grinning from ear to ear. Thanks for sharing the good news…. Art

  4. Art Ulene Says:

    I’m grinning from ear to ear. Thanks for sharing such good news…. Art

  5. wendy Says:

    you’re doing great… we’re all pulling for you and cheering those white cells on.. can you hear me? can you hear me now…Go WHITE CELLS GO!

  6. Carolyn & Patrick Hyde Says:


    So great to hear that your health is moving in the right direction! Thinking of you and cheering you on.

    Carolyn & Patrick

  7. Judie Davidson Says:

    So glad the white cells are proliferating. I’m cycling to Cross City (near Steinhatchee) to see the new bedroom addition to Rick’s man cave. Hugs to you and the family.

  8. Donna Hill Howes Says:

    Awesome news…..ah, what we all take for granted…..each and every white cell is a step in the right direction….
    Sending you love,
    P.S. Great to hear that kids are doing so well too!

  9. Peggie Neill Says:

    Bruce –
    Best news ever – go, marrow, go; all you white cells, go forth and multiply!
    Praying for you, Bruce – each and every day. And for your family –

  10. Laurie Samuels Says:

    Great report… Hope today brings continued improvement in swallowing liquids! I am so happy Lisa is able to be with you. 🙂 Keep up the good work…Love from Memphis… Laurie (and Harry)

  11. Gail Lehmann Says:

    Wonderful News!

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